Education tailored to your needs

Our story begins with a belief in the power of education to drive progress and development. Our experienced consultants were inspired by the EU concept of knowledge triangle ( Education, Industry and Research) to develop innovative solutions that can  boost innovation, and entrepreneurship. They have been involved in EU and wordlwide governmental projects that have shaped their vision and expertise. 

Customized Consulting

100% Positive Feedback

Industry & Governemnt Involvement

Forbes Cases

We understand the importance of government involvement in education, and we work closely with universities, industry partners, and research institutions to develop customized programs that meet the needs of today’s society. Check out our CBA Academy courses here.

How can our Education Consulting Services help your organization?

Customize your budget

Our content ideas are tailored to your specific needs and required skills, resulting in growth and value creation

Partnership Involved

Developing partnerships for courses for industry, government, and universities

Impact- Oriented

With extensive experience working with successful businesses and universities, we create innovative and disruptive market solutions.

Impactful Education Solutions

Education Consulting

education : customized training and skill adaptation

Transforming Tomorrow

We are dedicated to creating innovative and disruptive education programs that meet the needs of your organization while also ensuring economic sustainability. Our experienced consultants work with industry leaders, governments and Universities to design and implement customized curriculums that drives business strategy and builds a strong workforce for the future.

Customized Courses

customized courses - sustainable energy- IT - Business- Entrepreneurship -technology-marketing-sales -others-tailor

Work with the brightest minds 

 We understand that companies, governments, and educational organizations have their unique needs, goals, and challenges. That’s why our courses are designed to meet those specific requirements, resulting in a satisfaction level of 100%. We base our courses on industry participation and disruptive Business models from Forbes.

Skills Adaptation

skills adaptation

 Pedagogical Innovation Success 

We believe that education is not only about imparting knowledge but also about fostering skills that are necessary for success. Our consultants have been inspired by Harvard Business School and Aalborg University to implement Challenge Driven Education *. Another example is the organization of Massive Challenges, which attract students, startups, companies, and universities from around the world to atract innovative and disruptive ideas that can be implemented in the market.

Talent Management

customized courses - sustainable energy- IT - Business- Entrepreneurship -technology-marketing-sales - all

 Find the right talent for your organization

Our consultants work closely with universities to ensure that their educational programs are customized to attract market leads and achieve success. We also understand that finding the right educational program can be a daunting task for students. That’s why we offer expert students consultants who can guide them in selecting the best program that fits your needs. Let us help you find the right program and get the students you need for your organization!

  *This approach enables students to solve real-world problems and prepares them for the skills adaptation process to achieve the targets of their organization.

"Thanks to CBA ´business plan, our educational app is now a must-have for students and professors. Its innovative features make daily tasks simple"
Ayoub Oqbani, MindTutoring
MBA Student in Leadership and Talent Management at Barcelona Executive Business School (BEBS)

Creating a brighter future through Education. 

Get a free consultation here!