IoT Congress,
June 6th–7th, 2024, São Paulo

CBA bridges the gap:
At the IoT Solutions Congress in Brazil, we are bringing together cutting-edge Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, investors, and the São Paulo municipality.

CBA & IOT Solutions World Congress

The 2024 IoT Solutions Congress Brazil promises to be a landmark event, bringing together the brightest minds in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry.  

Consultancy Business Agency (CBA) is proud to be collaborating with the Government of São Paulo and iCities, by facilitating connections between innovative startups and governmental entities, such as Acció (Goverment of Catalunya) and the Chamber of Commerce Brazil – Catalunya.

This premier event, held in São Paulo, Brazil, serves as a unique platform for:

  • Showcasing cutting-edge IoT solutions: Discover the latest advancements in the field, from smart cities and connected industries to agriculture and healthcare.
  • Networking with industry leaders: Connect with key decision-makers, entrepreneurs, and investors shaping the future of IoT in Brazil.
    Exploring business opportunities: Forge valuable partnerships and explore new avenues for growth in the dynamic IoT market.

Why Attend the 2024 IoT Solutions Congress Brazil?

Whether you’re a startup founder, a government official, an Industry Representative, or simply someone passionate about the future of technology, this event offers an unparalleled opportunity to:

  • Showcase the enormous potential of the Brazilian IoT market to a global audience of investors.
  • Facilitate connections between international capital and Brazilian IoT innovators.
  • Gain insights from industry experts: Learn from renowned speakers and thought leaders as they share their knowledge and insights on the latest trends and challenges in the IoT landscape.
    Explore the latest innovations: Immerse yourself in a world of cutting-edge technologies and discover how they can transform businesses and society.

Engaging Discussions with the Municipality of São Paulo

Humberto. A.P Silva Secretary of innovation and technology

Mr. Humberto A.P Silva, Deputy Secretary of  of Innovation, Science, and Technology, has shared with CBA valuable insights into the city’s successful strategy, as well as the importance of public-private collaboration.

The City Hall of São Paulo is launching new laws to facilitate the procurement of High – Tech innovative solutions for the public administration.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to be a part of the future of IoT in Brazil! Join CBA and the 2024 IoT Solutions Congress Brazil and experience the power of innovation and collaboration firsthand.

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